The basic rate charged by Spanish Caravan Translation for Spanish-to-English document translation is $0.11 per word, and in most cases, no additional charges will apply. So, for example, if your document contains 1,452 words, you will be charged $159.72.
This is the average Spanish-to-English translation rate cited at a well-known online portal for translators. However, you can always expect to receive translations of much higher-than-average quality from Spanish Caravan Translation.
When comparing rates, be sure you are making a fair comparison. For example, other translators may charge more because their rates include additional services, such as reviewing or proofreading by a second person. On the other hand, translators offering very low rates may be insufficiently qualified or may be planning to add additional charges.
Please note that on a case-by-case basis, some additional charges may be added by Spanish Caravan Translation when strictly justified, such as in order to account for the time required to duplicate complex formatting in your source documents, or for especially urgent delivery deadlines.
Spanish Caravan Translation has a policy of full transparency for its rates and charges, and you will always receive a firm, specific price quotation once you have submitted your potential documents for translation (please see the note on this website’s Contact page about waiting to receive a special high-security email address before sending any documents).