Spanish Caravan Translation is literally a one-man operation focused on Spanish-to-English translation only, and it does not outsource work to other translation providers in times of peak demand. Because of this, visitors to this website may need to contact other translators or translation providers to fulfill their Spanish-to-English translation needs. Spanish Caravan Translation therefore offers the following basic advice. Please note that this is just one opinion, and excellent translators and translation agencies can be located in many different ways:
1) If your translation needs are complex and involve multiple languages, a translation agency (aka “language services provider” or LSP) may be your best option.
2) If your translation needs are relatively simple and/or involve only one language pair, consider contacting an independent translator.
In both cases, it may be most advisable to rely upon translators and translation agencies that are members of established professional associations of translators or companies, such as the ATA*, NAJIT, and ALC in the USA; ITI, CIOL, and ATC in the UK; and ASETRAD, MET, and ELIA in Europe, to give just a few examples. This may produce better results for you compared to language service providers you find marketing their services through social media sites, online platforms, or the SEO-focused websites that appear first in online searches, and you will have the assurance of knowing that your translation provider takes professionalism seriously through memberships of this type.
If you are considering use of a translation agency you have found through an online search, start by scrolling to the bottom of the website and looking for tangible information about business registration, and also look for names of the actual people involved, data security policies for your documents, etc.
Remember, posting an impressive looking website using stock photos and virtual office addresses is easy for operators that may not be entirely legitimate, while complying with the regulatory requirements imposed upon those operating lawfully is much more challenging.
*ATA = American Translators Association; NAJIT = National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators; ALC = Association of Language Companies; ITI = Institute of Translation and Interpreting; CIOL = Chartered Institute of Linguists; ATC = Association of Translation Companies; ASETRAD = Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes; MET = Mediterranean Editors & Translators; ELIA = European Language Industry Association